School Nutrition
Policy Documents
Meal Documents
Carlan Cotten
Director of School Nutrition
PH: 931-222-1058
Shayna Green
School Nutrition Bookkeeper
PH: 931-723-5154
*A la carte Milk (8 oz) and Juice - $0.45
*A la carte Ice Cream - $1.00
- Student-Elementary
$2.25 - Student-Middle School
$2.50 - Student-High School
$2.50 - Student-Reduced
$0.40 - Adult-Staff
$3.25 - Adult-Visitor
- Student-Elementary
$1.25 - Student-Middle School
$1.25 - Student-High School
$1.25 - Student-Reduced
$0.30 - Adult-Staff
$1.50 - Adult-Visitor
Menu Planning in the National School Lunch Program
Breakfast and Lunch meals are offered at ALL schools in the Coffee County School System!
School Meal Components

Deerfield Elementary First in Tennessee to Receive Gold Award of Distinction
May 25, 2011 -Steve Hortin, USDA Food and Nutrition Service Southeast Regional Deputy Director for the Special Nutrition Programs, today recognized Deerfield Elementary School in Manchester, Tennessee, for their excellence in school nutrition. During his visit Hortin applauded the school's Principal, Bill Bryan, Director of Food Services, Shanelle Gray and the Food Service staff for earning a Gold Award of Distinction certification in USDA's HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) and for being the first school in Tennessee to receive this level of the award. By achieving the highest level of performance, Deerfield Elementary School was awarded a monetary incentive of$2000; an award plaque signed by a USDA official; a banner to display in their school; and their name listed on the Team Nutrition Web site.
"It's important that we provide our children access to nutritious meals so they are able to learn, thrive and grow," said Hortin. "Through our HealthierUS School Challenge, USDA recognizes schools that meet the highest standards for creating and maintaining healthy school environments by promoting good nutrition and physical activity."
Dignitaries who attended the awards program were Mr. Kevin Huffman, Commissioner of Education and Mr. Stephen Smith, Assistant Commissioner for Legislation & External Affairs. Representatives from the Tennessee State Department School Nutrition Program included Lila Beasley, Phyllis Hodges, Rita Scruggs and Amy Haynes.
The HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) is a voluntary national certification initiative for schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. It supports First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign by recognizing schools that are creating healthier school environments through their promotion of good nutrition and physical activity. Sponsored by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), the initiative encourages all schools take a leadership role in helping students to make healthier eating and physical activity choices that will last a lifetime.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice), or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).

White House Recognition
Schools across the United States, who received a Healthier US School Challenge (HUSSC) Award, were honored at a White House Reception on Monday, October 17th. Among those schools honored was Deerfield Elementary, the first and only school in Tennessee to receive the HUSSC Gold Award of Distinction, which is the highest level of the award. A school-wide effort committing to a healthier school environment was necessary in order to meet the criteria for the HUSSC Gold Award of Distinction. Representatives for Deerfield Elementary (pictured from left to right) who attended the White House Reception were Phyllis Sizemore, Cafeteria Manager; Julie Miller, Assistant Principal; Melanie Parker, Physical Education Teacher & Shanelle Gray, Director of School Nutrition for Coffee County Schools.
Mrs. Obama spoke on the South Lawn of the White House at a reception to honor schools that met the goals of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC). The USDA Web site describes HUSSC as "a voluntary initiative established in 2004 to recognize those schools participating in the National School Lunch Program that have created healthier school environments through promotion of nutrition and physical activity." The program has since been rolled into Mrs. Obama’s "Let’s Move!" initiative.
During the reception, First Lady Michelle Obama said the government can affect who kids will be "forever" if schools can shape children's "habits and preferences" during the large part of the school day. "When many kids spend half of their waking hours and get up to half their daily calories at school, you know that with the food you serve and, more importantly, the lessons you teach that you're not just shaping their habits and preferences today, you’re affecting the choices they’re going to make for the rest of their lives," said Mrs. Obama.
The Coffee County Schools' School Nutrition Program and Deerfield Elementary are to be commended for representing Coffee County Schools and the state of Tennessee in receiving the highest award of the Healthier US School Challenge.